A funny story about our last day in Tahiti (and by funny I mean insane…you'll see!)

Tuesday, February 21

Our last day in Tahiti was a combination of hilarious/insane…maybe it was so insane it was hilarious. Actually, it wasn't hilarious to me at the time, like at all (see pointless story below). But now I look back and Kevin and I laugh (took me a while to get there, but now it really is funny). 

First of all, I haven't said much about this on my blog at all, but my baby morning sickness (which should be called ENTIRE DAY SICKNESS) started while we were in Tahiti, mid-trip. Which was incredibly unfortunate but I guess that's what happens when you grow a baby! Anyway…

The very last day of the trip, when we disembarked off the ship in Tahiti, I was FEELING IT. And by that I mean I was throwing up constantly, and could barely walk I felt so sick. Kevin and I got off the ship, and proceeded to drag our bags along the port to the street so we could find a taxi. Kevin had booked us a hotel earlier that morning on his phone, and tried to tell the taxi driver we were staying at Hotel Milano. 

The taxi driver looked super duper confused, shook his head, and told Kev there was no hotel by that name in the city (and this was a SMALL city, so we believed him). Kev was super confused, and I was just passed out, hunched over our bags just praying I wouldn't die and praying Hotel Milano was real and we didn't just get swindled online. Kev and the taxi driver went back and forth, but at this point it was apparent that either our hotel didn't exist, OR wasn't in Tahiti. Kev checked his email for the booking, and evidently this taxi driver didn't know this hotel because it was in Milan…Milan, Italy that is. I wanted to scream. 

Kev booked a new hotel, and decided that it was so close we should save money and walk to it (why did I think that was a good idea? Why did I go along with it?). I could barely stand up, was convinced I was going to barf every other step….not to mention it was like 100 degrees and humid. I kept chanting to myself "I can do it, I can do it, God can do it through me" (I wish I was kidding, but that was my mantra for the 30 minute walk). We got lost twice, a wheel fell off one of our suitcases, and when we finally arrived at the hotel they wouldn't let us check in for a few hours. So I did the only thing I could muster…I took over a couch in the lobby and promptly fell asleep….for 2 hours.  

On the bright side, the day was redeemed by a tour of the island that was a part of our cruise booking. Tahiti is actually a gorgeous island…might have been the most beautiful in French Polynesia in terms of lushness and scenery. I didn't take many pictures, because…you know, barfing happened. But…I will tell you that if you get the chance to visit Tahiti, you should. And hopefully you will not be suffering from nausea like I was:) 

On a fun note, that last day in Tahiti we got some time with Chuck Swindoll (see picture below!). He really is an amazing man full of joy and humor. I could sit and listen to him for hours without getting bored, even ease dropping on his conversations with other people while on the cruise were amusing. 

These are the last of my Tahiti pics….if you missed the others, you can see them here: 

Thanks Inspiration Cruises & Tours for a memorable cruise to French Polynesia!! What a wonderful trip it was (despite my baby nausea! haha). I really did meet so many lovely people, saw some gorgeous scenery, and got to explore with my main man Kevin!! xoxo 

{my life was pretty much made when I met Chuck! He's literally one of the most hilarious and joy-filled people i've ever encountered!!}  {Two of my "best friends" on the trip…Marilyn and Verna! They were hilarious!!}

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